R&D,Clinical Development,Weekly Roundups,Biology

Weekly News Round-up – 12/3/21

Proventa International Weekly News 3 years ago By Josh Neil
Proventa International Weekly News

In the news this week,real-world data has found the Pfizer vaccine to have high effectiveness against asymptomatic COVID-19. In other news, the EMA has advised continued use of AstraZeneca’s vaccine despite blood clot scares, and Zolgensma is set to be available on the NHS in England for the first time. 

EU COUNTRIES SUSPEND AZ VACCINE OVER BLOOD CLOTS – The EMA has declared the AZ/Oxford University COVID-19 vaccine can continue production as they begin an investigation into possible blood clots caused by the product. 30 cases have so far been reported, with several countries suspending inoculations at the time. AZ noted the vaccine had been extensively studied in human trials, and were subject to rigorous quality controls. 

PFIZER VACCINE GIVES HIGH PROTECTION AGAINST COVID-19, STUDY FINDS – Real-world data from Israel suggests the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine grants high protection against asymptomatic COVID-19. The as-yet un-peer reviewed study found the vaccine is 97% effective against disease and death, and 94% effective against infection without symptoms. The data does not specify how effective the vaccine is yet against South African and Brazilian variants, however. 

NHS TO STOCK MOST EXPENSIVE DRUG IN THE WORLD FOR FIRST TIME – Zolgensma, the most expensive drug in the world, is to be made available on the NHS in England for the first time later in 2021. The drug, designed to halt progression of spinal muscular atrophy, would benefit around 80 infants a year in England. This is the most expensive treatment yet approved by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.

In other news:

Takeda buys Maverick Therapeutics for $525 million

Bluebird Bio hoping to restart LentiGlobin trials after cancer scare

Rollout of US COVID vaccine complicated by J&J manufacturing difficulties
Roche withdraws US bladder cancer indication for Tecentriq

That’s all for now. See you next week!

Joshua Neil, Editor
Proventa International

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