The Challenges of CMC in Cell and Gene Therapies
Safety is one of the most important aspects of drug development. The need for a drug to be efficacious, consistent and non-harmful to humans is vital for its success. And where a treatment is new, highly variable, and can involve...
5 years agoThe Challenges of CMC in Cell and Gene Therapies
Safety is one of the most important aspects of drug development. The need for a drug to be efficacious, consistent and non-harmful to humans is vital for its success. And where a treatment is new, highly variable, and can involve...
5 years ago
Data Quality in Virtual Clinical Trials
Arguably no other area in pharmaceutical science has suffered under Covid-19 like clinical trials have. The damage done by Covid-19 - to patient engagement, to supply chains and to hospitals - has shaken the industry. But with such a crisis...
5 years agoData Quality in Virtual Clinical Trials
Arguably no other area in pharmaceutical science has suffered under Covid-19 like clinical trials have. The damage done by Covid-19 - to patient engagement, to supply chains and to hospitals - has shaken the industry. But with such a crisis...
5 years ago
Weekly News Round-up – 24/4/20
This week saw a slight slowdown of the big news we’ve come to expect over the last few months, with only minor changes to the ever-shifting coronavirus front. That said, two of the Covid-19 treatment forerunners saw big announcements as...
5 years agoWeekly News Round-up – 24/4/20
This week saw a slight slowdown of the big news we’ve come to expect over the last few months, with only minor changes to the ever-shifting coronavirus front. That said, two of the Covid-19 treatment forerunners saw big announcements as...
5 years ago

Weekly News Round-up – 17/4/20
This week, a glimpse of non-Covid normalcy is provided by news that a Tagrisso lung cancer study was unblinded early after ‘overwhelming accuracy’, potentially expanding the drug’s usage further. In other (Covid-related) news, GSK and Sanofi are set to collaborate...
5 years agoWeekly News Round-up – 17/4/20
This week, a glimpse of non-Covid normalcy is provided by news that a Tagrisso lung cancer study was unblinded early after ‘overwhelming accuracy’, potentially expanding the drug’s usage further. In other (Covid-related) news, GSK and Sanofi are set to collaborate...
5 years ago

Will AI Transform R&D? An Interview with Laurent Audoly, Parthenon Therapeutics
The potential of AI and machine learning (ML) to transform almost every area of pharmaceuticals is profound. As we discovered recently in Proventa’s R&D White Paper, nowhere is this more evident than in research and development. Here, innovative technologies can...
5 years agoWill AI Transform R&D? An Interview with Laurent Audoly, Parthenon Therapeutics
The potential of AI and machine learning (ML) to transform almost every area of pharmaceuticals is profound. As we discovered recently in Proventa’s R&D White Paper, nowhere is this more evident than in research and development. Here, innovative technologies can...
5 years ago

Continuing Clinical Trials under Covid-19
On 26 March 2020, Proventa International collaborated with ARENSIA on the first of a series of webinars looking at business continuity in the event of global pandemics. The webinar, which featured high levels of viewer engagement and a number of...
5 years agoContinuing Clinical Trials under Covid-19
On 26 March 2020, Proventa International collaborated with ARENSIA on the first of a series of webinars looking at business continuity in the event of global pandemics. The webinar, which featured high levels of viewer engagement and a number of...
5 years agoInterested?
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